Now showing items 1-8 of 8
“Sou guerreira, sou valente, do primeiro regimento, enfermeira e combatente”: narrativas sobre a Cabo Toco em Cachoeira do Sul
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2017-03-08)
Nacida en 18 de junio de 1902 en Caçapava do Sul – RS (Brasil), Olmira Leal de Oliveira, popularmente conocida por Cabo Toco, fue la primera mujer de Rio Grande do Sul a sostener el uniforme de la Brigada Militar, cuando ...
Museu Treze de Maio: espaço de memória e identidade negra em Santa Maria/RS
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2014-05-26)
This work is the result of an anthropological research that studies the Thirteen May Museum, a Museum of community character that was created in 2001 in the town of Santa Maria/RS as an attempt to save and keep the heritage ...
Prática do dizer, prática do fazer: cineclubismo, imagens e política
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2011-03-25)
This thesis is a starting point to contact ethnographic film clubs developed with the
lantern Cineclube Aurelius in the town of Santa Maria RS Brazil cinema clubs linked to the
movement. And extension of research work, ...
Dupla cidadania: ítalo-brasilianidade como valorização e afirmação étnica no Sul do Brasil
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2017-05-11)
This study presents questionings that resulted from an ethnographic study which was carried out in the years between 2015-2017. The reflections of this master thesis sought to answer the following research question: Would ...
Tass mistma háit visã vu ma iveról hinguefó vea: memórias, sociabilidade e saberes localizados, o Clube do Lar da Associação Linha do Rio
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2022-06-15)
This study aims to present memories, forms of sociability, identities and how the farmers are
organized, they, white women, who are part of the Clube do Lar da Associação Linha do Rio,
in the municipality of Santo ...
Memórias universitárias: representações sobre o programa de assistência estudantil da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - RS
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2013-04-03)
This research is aimed at investigating representations and memories of students, former students and administrative authorities of the UFSM, regarding the National Plan for Student Assistance (PNAES), in order to recognize ...
Memória e conflitos: um estudo das contradições na edificação do passado santo-angelense
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2023-12-15)
That memory and legal principles clash in the field of heritage is clear even from a inattentive
observation of the heritage scene in any locality. But, if the built historical heritage is, as the
legal documents claims, ...
A vida emaranhada: a (re)materialização das ausências por meio dos objetos de família
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2024-02-20)
It is from a nightgown that belonged to my grandmother that this research was
developed, weaven and became text. My big research question was: how are
relationships developed and kept through [and with] things transmitted ...