Now showing items 1-10 of 82
A concepção de avaliação e o projeto político pedagógico: estudo de uma escola municipal de Barra Funda/RS
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2014-11-29)
Faced with the changes that occur in the educational scene related to the assessment of learning, to the pedagogical and political project and to the school management, it’s realized that these issues need to be problematical ...
Contribuições da educação popular e da gestão democrática para a construção do projeto político-pedagógico
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2014-11-28)
Al largo de los siglos, el Brasil experimento diversas situaciones en su construcción
de los procesos educativos. Con la llegada de los portugueses, toda la tradición,
cultura y saberes de los pueblos nativos fueron ...
A construção coletiva do projeto político pedagógico na gestão escolar democrática numa escola de educação infantil no município de Santa Maria/RS
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2011-09-17)
This work consists of research that addresses the issue of democratic school management. In this sense, it presents the policy guidelines for the construction of the Pedagogical Political Project (PPP) as provided by the ...
Implicações das modalidades de planejamento na construção do projeto político pedagógico: analisando a democracia na escola
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2009-12-18)
The gift inside brings to the reflection the importance of planning and the implications in its diverse modalities front to the Project Pedagogical Politician of the democratic and participativa perspective. It makes ...
A construção do projeto político-pedagógico na dimensão democrática
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2009-12-15)
This study started from the need to reflect on the construction of the politicalpedagogic
project in the Democratic size. Aimed to understand and identify the main
difficulties in the construction of the PPP, the involvement ...
A construção do projeto político pedagógico na escola pública no contexto da gestão democrática
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2011-09-16)
Democratic management in school is determinative instrument of the improvement of the society and implies in autonomy and expressive participation of the school community. The democratization of the management intrinsically ...
A gestão democrática na (re)construção do projeto político pedagógico: uma reflexão sob a ótica da gestão escolar
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2012-11-30)
This monograph is themed democratic management in the (re) construction of political pedagogical project, through a reflection from the perspective of school management. Investigates how the democratic management has been ...
O projeto político pedagógico como ferramenta da gestão escolar democrática
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2013-11-29)
On this qualitative research, Case Studies, the subjects are seven teachers and four employees of a municipal school of basic education of Humaita City, Rio Grande do Sul. With survey objectified to know the traversed ways ...
Gestão escolar e projeto político pedagógico: possibilidades de democracia
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2009-08-08)
Many are the discussion about the need to develop a more collective and participatory in the school. The process of decentralization of management in search of quality in education and overcoming the fragmented and limited ...
O projeto político-pedagógico e sua importância em uma gestão democrática
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2009-08-08)
The democratic management is theme of analysis and much discussion
among the education scholars nowadays. The present monographic
research carried out with teachers and managers of municipal and state
schools has as ...