Now showing items 1-10 of 123
Planejamento participativo: ferramenta integradora da escola
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2009-08-08)
Nowadays people are inserted in an increasingly competitive and individualized context, in
other words, everyone wants to ensure its survival at all costs. In this context there is a school
that reflects this social ...
O papel do pedagogo na gestão da educação infantil: um estudo acerca de concepções e práticas escolares
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2011-09-16)
Early childhood education and childhood, have not always been recognized as important steps in human life. There was much fighting for the kindergarten win their place in society as a formative institution. However, there ...
Um modelo de gestão em um centro de línguas
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2010-09-17)
Whatever the reasons - economic, social, commercial - the need to learn other
language is very important today in a globalised world. Cognize a language abroad
means have access to a different culture. Are values, ...
Das lutas à conquista democrática: a trajetória da escolha direta dos diretores escolares da rede municipal de ensino de Sapucaia do Sul
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2012-11-30)
This research monograph is characterized as a qualitative study about the Election of Directors comprehended as an essentially political phenomenon of the school. The question that guides this work is the analysis of how ...
Capital social desafios e perspectivas para a descentralização da gestão educacional
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2013-11-29)
The goal of the proposed research is to analyze the importance and dynamics of the concept of democratic school management and its implementation through Pedagogical political project. Justified the choice of theme for the ...
Gestão da escola pública: ruptura de velhos conceitos e criação de novas propostas envolvendo a comunidade
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2009-08-07)
This completion work of the course aims to achieve a deepening of the theme: Public
School Management: in a democratic perspective, breaking old concepts and
creating new proposals with the community participation. ...
Escola e família: a possibilidade de uma articulação promissora e possível no processo de gestão escolar
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2009-12-11)
In front of the immense challenge of transforming and making the school a space of
exchange, construction and respect, urges that we reflect about the dynamics of the
processes that lace transformations and changes through ...
Entre auxílio e participação: o que se esconde por trás?
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2013-11-29)
The research reflect on the relationship between school and family under the backdrop of democratic management. The study aimed to analyze the degree of reach of the family participation in school, taking as guiding thread ...
Gestão escolar democrática: desafios visíveis
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2012-12-01)
This paper aims to reflect on the school management in pursuit of a democratic work in school life. This discussion is necessary since there is still a conservative and authoritarian practice, only to face the paperwork ...
Participação: um estudo na trama das vozes dos professores, diretores e pais
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2013-11-30)
This paper discusses the participation of parents and its relation to children's learning. Is this participation essential for learning? The no-show of the family to pedagogical meetings and deliveries of report cards were ...