The Seminar on Power Electronics and Control (SEPOC) is an international conference technically co-sponsored by IEEE-IAS.

SEPOC 2021 was held online from May 15 to 18, 2021, organized by the IEEE Student Branch and Professional Joint Chapter from the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), the National Institute of Science and Technology on Distributed Generation (INCT-GD), the Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering (PPGEE-UFSM) and the Technology Center (CT/UFSM).
The objective of the seminar was to provide interaction between academia and industry to discuss the latest cutting-edge technologies on Power Electronics and Control and their applications. The SEPOC 2021 theme was "Photovoltaic Energy and The Consolidation of Distributed Generation".

Proceedings Editor: Prof. Dr. Fernanda de Morais Carnielutti
Conference Chair and Proceedings Co-Editor: Prof. Dr. Lucas Vizzotto Bellinaso

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