Da formulação à circulação de uma discursividade: possíveis relações entre imagem e escrita
This work aims to produce a reflection and observation that conduce to understand the functioning of some photographic images spread by the media, which constitute the research corpus. It makes reference to the governments Fernando Collor de Mello, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and Yeda Crucius. The two first images was published in the Veja Magazine and the last of them in a student blog on the internet.
From this, the work weaves some observations about the process constitution historical-discursive of these materialities, where emerge meanings (supplied by
interdiscourse), looking at them while social practices (PETRI, 2010), arranged according with the designation discursive articulation that gathers image + writing. In this perspective, the research investigates how occurs the meanings produce process and the functioning of these discourses that emerge the 1992 impeachment
process, in the Brazil. So, the research has by theoretical support the Discourse Analysis of French line (DA) and is constituted by three chapters. The first (Chapter
I), approaches the theoretical and methodological principles of Discourse Analysis. Then, it highlights the analytical dispositive and proceedings that mobilize the development of this work. The second chapter (Chapter II), refers to the analysis object construction and also makes an appointment of the production conditions that constituency the object, as the impeachment word, the media discourse and its
spread by printed way (also available electronically HTML), and the place that the photographic images are inscribed: the urban space. The third and last chapter (Chapter III), carries the analysis, approaching the linguistic-discursive constitution of the photographic images, considering them as social practices that articulates discursively gathering image and writing to produce meanings.