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dc.creatorHerrmann, Gustavo
dc.description.abstractThe research presents a geographic cut of the Farroupilha Park (popularly known as Redenção) located in Porto Alegre/RS. Nowadays the Park adds a diversity of leisure areas and also has in its internal transit a wide circulation of the public in its spaces, a cultural diversity of social groups, that may or may not interact with each other when they make use of collective spaces. Given the dynamism that presents the space of the park, we ask: what are the possibilities of Geography to understand the affective relations of social subjects with certain places? In particular, what are the relevant aspects that emerge as affective relationships of the public with the "place" Farroupilha Park (Redemption)? Moreover, what are the methodological potentialities that Geography offers us to analyze these affective relations with this place? The role of a large park in a cosmopolitan city and its importance for the people living in this city are the areas of leisure and spaces that favor socialization, exchange of information, and experiences among the people who go there. It is a break from the routinely grayness of the city in contrast with the green of nature, taking back intrinsic aspects of human nature from the need to be in touch with the environment. Thus, the whole relation that the subject creates with the space that he/she goes to produces a positive affective bond (topfilia) or negative (topphobia) and from this presupposition, the main objective of the project takes its form to understand the relationship that the subjects create with the Redenção (popular name given to the Farroupilha Park). The work will use mental maps as an instrument of analysis. These provide the ability to graphically represent the places where people go. In this case, the Farroupilha park. We call "places of sociability" the places in which interaction between people who are in the park occur, resorting to the concept of sociability. They are mental representations of places that people bring into their memory through different moments and life experiences in space. It is around these experiences in this place of people who attend the Redemption that we search through mental maps to understand the affective relationship that park goers may or may not develop with the place/space park Farroupilha. Geography with its vast scope of study in various fields of knowledge, still ceases to forget to make the relation of being to space, which led to the construction of this project. That, in the context of Geographical research, brings a contribution of study that focuses on the humanistic relations of social subjects with space. Aiming to focus on cultural and subjective aspects that make up the "being" spatial.The research presents a geographic cut of the Farroupilha Park (popularly known as Redenção) located in Porto Alegre/RS. Nowadays the Park adds a diversity of leisure areas and also has in its internal transit a wide circulation of the public in its spaces, a cultural diversity of social groups, that may or may not interact with each other when they make use of collective spaces. Given the dynamism that presents the space of the park, we ask: what are the possibilities of Geography to understand the affective relations of social subjects with certain places? In particular, what are the relevant aspects that emerge as affective relationships of the public with the "place" Farroupilha Park (Redemption)? Moreover, what are the methodological potentialities that Geography offers us to analyze these affective relations with this place? The role of a large park in a cosmopolitan city and its importance for the people living in this city are the areas of leisure and spaces that favor socialization, exchange of information, and experiences among the people who go there. It is a break from the routinely grayness of the city in contrast with the green of nature, taking back intrinsic aspects of human nature from the need to be in touch with the environment. Thus, the whole relation that the subject creates with the space that he/she goes to produces a positive affective bond (topfilia) or negative (topphobia) and from this presupposition, the main objective of the project takes its form to understand the relationship that the subjects create with the Redenção (popular name given to the Farroupilha Park). The work will use mental maps as an instrument of analysis. These provide the ability to graphically represent the places where people go. In this case, the Farroupilha park. We call "places of sociability" the places in which interaction between people who are in the park occur, resorting to the concept of sociability. They are mental representations of places that people bring into their memory through different moments and life experiences in space. It is around these experiences in this place of people who attend the Redemption that we search through mental maps to understand the affective relationship that park goers may or may not develop with the place/space park Farroupilha. Geography with its vast scope of study in various fields of knowledge, still ceases to forget to make the relation of being to space, which led to the construction of this project. That, in the context of Geographical research, brings a contribution of study that focuses on the humanistic relations of social subjects with space. Aiming to focus on cultural and subjective aspects that make up the "being" spatial.eng
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Santa Mariapor
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International*
dc.subjectLugar de sociabilidadepor
dc.subjectMapas mentaispor
dc.titleGeografia, lugar e lugares: o caso do Parque da Redenção em Porto Alegre - RSpor
dc.title.alternativeGeography place and places: the case of the Redenção Park in Porto Alegre, Brazileng
dc.description.resumoA pesquisa apresenta como recorte geográfico de estudo o Parque Farroupilha (popularmente conhecido como Redenção) localizado em Porto Alegre/RS. Atualmente o Parque agrega uma diversidade de áreas de lazer e também possui em seu trânsito interno uma ampla circulação de público em seus espaços, uma diversidade cultural de grupos sociais, que podem ou não interagir entre si, no momento que fazem uso dos espaços coletivos. Tendo em vista o dinamismo que apresenta o espaço do parque, perguntamos: quais as possibilidades da Geografia entender as relações afetivas de sujeitos sociais com determinados lugares? Em específico, quais os aspectos relevantes que emergem como relações afetivas do público com o “lugar” Parque Farroupilha (Redenção)? Além disso, quais as potencialidades metodológicas que a Geografia nos oferece para analisar estas relações afetivas com o/este lugar? O papel de um grande parque em uma cidade cosmopolita, sua importância para os sujeitos que nessa cidade vivem, são as áreas de lazer e os espaços que favorecem a socialização, a troca de informações, as experiências entre as pessoas que ali frequentam. É uma quebra da rotina do cinza da cidade com o verde da natureza, retomando aspectos intrínsecos da natureza humana da necessidade de estar em contato com o meio ambiente. Assim, toda a relação que o sujeito cria com o espaço que frequenta, com o lugar, produz um laço afetivo sentimental positivo (topofilia) ou negativo (topofobia) e a partir desse pressuposto, o objetivo principal do projeto toma sua forma, de compreender a relação que os sujeitos criam com a Redenção (nome popular dado ao Parque Farroupilha). O trabalho fará uso de mapas mentais como instrumento de análise. Estes mesmos proporcionam a capacidade de representação gráfica dos lugares onde frequentam as pessoas, neste caso, o parque Farroupilha. Denominamos lugares de sociabilidade estes locais de interação entre as pessoas que estão no parque, recorrendo ao conceito de sociabilidade. São representações mentais dos lugares que as pessoas trazem em sua memória através das experiências e vivencias no espaço. Através das experiências e vivências neste lugar das pessoas que frequentam a Redenção, que se busca através de mapas mentais entender a relação afetiva que os frequentadores do parque podem ou não desenvolver com o lugar/espaço parque Farroupilha. A Geografia com sua vasta abrangência de estudo em diversos campos do conhecimento, e nunca se esquecendo de fazer a relação do “ser” com o espaço, levou a construção deste projeto que assim, traz à tona, no contexto da pesquisa Geográfica, um aporte de estudo que enfoca as relações humanísticas dos sujeitos sociais com o espaço. Procurando enfocar aspectos culturais e subjetivos que compõem o “ser” e “estar” espacial.por
dc.contributor.advisor1Costa, Benhur Pinós da
dc.contributor.referee1Figueiredo, Lauro César
dc.contributor.referee2Heidrich, Álvaro Luiz
dc.publisher.programPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Geografiapor
dc.publisher.unidadeCentro de Ciências Naturais e Exataspor

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