Now showing items 1-10 of 484
Aquecimento gerado pelo ultrassom terapêutico em presença de placa óssea metálica no fêmur de cadáveres caninos
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2013-02-28)
The present study aimed to assess the heat generated by a therapeutic ultrasound (TUS) in a metal bone plate and adjacent structures after fixation to the femur of canine cadavers. Ten pairs of hindlimbs were used, and ...
Metabolismo do cromo orgânico e seu efeito sobre a fauna ruminal de cordeiros
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2013-02-28)
The use of micro minerals in farm animals is widely studied in order to enhance the production and the reproductive performance of these animals. However, considering small ruminants, information about minerals metabolism ...
Índices produtivos de leitões em fase de creche alimentados com dietas contendo bioflavonóides e ácido ascórbico (extratos vegetais)
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2015-02-26)
The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance, the microbiological
profile, the enzyme profile and the detection of pathogenic strains by multiplex PCR of 40
weaned piglets (females and males). The experimental ...
Infecção por Sarcocystis spp. em ovinos e equino
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2015-02-24)
Infections by protozoa of the Sarcocystidae family have worldwide distribution and are common in ruminants, causing important economic losses. This study evaluated Sarcocystis spp., Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum ...
Resposta superovulatória de vacas em lactação tratadas com diferentes concentrações de progesterona
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2015-02-23)
The efficiency of superovulation protocols with different levels of progesterone in dairy cows was evaluated on the ovulated follicles rate. Twenty five high producing female were distributed in control group (n = 5), and ...
Detecção de proteínas imunorreagentes de Rickettsia parkeri cepa mata atlântica
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2015-02-19)
The Brazilian spotted fever is an infectious disease transmitted by ticks to humans. The occurrence of Rickettsia rickettsii agent has been reported in Brazil since 1920 and is considered the main bacteria involved in ...
Uniformidade de mistura das rações e seu efeito no desempenho de frangos de corte
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2014-06-23)
The aim of this study was to compare different indicators used on quality control to access the feed mixture uniformity, and were made correlation analysis between the analytical methods used to measure de indicators ...
Estudo da sensibilização de cães com dermatite atópica na região central do Rio Grande do Sul
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2015-02-12)
Canine atopic dermatitis (CAD) is a common dermatosis, defined as a genetic-based disease,
which predisposes to cutaneous inflammation and pruritus, mediated by class IgE
immunoglobulins directed against specific antigens ...
Epidemiologia, prevalência e distribuição das lesões extrarrenais de uremia em cães
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2015-01-28)
The kidneys have vital functions to the organism, such as catabolites excretion, maintenance of salt and water concentrations, hormone production, and acid-basic regulation. Retention of nitrogen products of the protein ...
Avaliação macroscópica, histopatológica e bacteriológica de fígados de frangos (Gallus gallus) condenados no abate pela inspeção sanitária
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2005-02-23)
Gross, microscopic, and bacteriologic evaluation of broiler livers condemned by the Federal Inspection Service of Animal Products was performed. One hundred broiler
livers were sampled at slaughter. Ninety of them had gross ...