Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 371
Fatores relacionados à adesão ao tratamento antirretroviral de adultos com HIV/AIDS
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2013-05-06)
The objective was to analyze the factors related to the adherence to the antiretroviral treatment of adults with HIV/AIDS, who were treated at the University Hospital of Santa Maria. This is a cross-sectional study, with ...
Disponibilidade e satisfação com o suporte social às pessoas com AIDS
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2012-01-25)
It is a transversal, descriptive and quantitative study developed to measure the social
support and the satisfaction of patients with AIDS who are being treated with anti-retroviral
medicine. The research was carried out ...
Motivos da tentativa de suicídio expressos por homens usuários de álcool e outras drogas
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2014-12-10)
Men's health nowadays has been addressed in some studies. This follows from the morbidity and mortality increase that has affected this population. Among deaths due to external causes, suicide is the third leading cause ...
Profilaxia da transmissão vertical do HIV: compreensão do vivido do ser-casal e possibilidades de cuidado
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2012-06-06)
The aim was to unveil the meaning of being-a-couple on the lived experience on prophylaxis
of HIV vertical transmission. Qualitative and phenomenological inquiry based on theoreticalphilosophical-
methodological referential ...
Revelação do diagnóstico aos filhos infectados por Transmissão vertical do HIV: significados para as mães
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2012-11-28)
The main aim consisted in comprehend attributed meanings by biological mothers to the
process of diagnosis disclosure of HIV/aids to children infected through vertical transmission
(VT). It is a qualitative, descriptiv ...
Intervenção por telefone como estratégia para manejo da ansiedade durante tratamento radioterápico: um ensaio clínico randomizado
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2015-02-24)
Radiotherapy treatment can generate negative impacts, including anxiety, which can interfere with the emotional balance of patients and families. The study is a randomized clinical trial to evaluate the effects of a telephone ...
Avaliação do risco de quedas em pacientes adultos hospitalizados
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2014-03-14)
The fall of hospitalized patients is a world reality and the most frequent adverse events in this environment. This study aims to evaluate the risk of falls among adult patients in clinical and surgical unit of a university ...
Suporte social e adesão ao tratamento antirretroviral de adultos que vivem com HIV/AIDS
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2014-09-09)
The goal was to evaluate the relations between social support and adherence to HAART in adults living with HIV/Aids, receiving care in Santa Maria University Hospital. A transversal study, with a quantitative approach, ...
Ganhando na loteria e temendo perder o prêmio: a experiência de famílias rurais ao ter a mãe/esposa sobrevivente de câncer de mama
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2014-05-30)
With the transformations of the brazilian new rural , the family is going through adaptations in
its everyday life and reformulating sociocultural and interactional scenarios. These changes can be
perceived in the ...
Desenvolvimento e validação de vídeo educativo para famílias de pessoas com colostomia por câncer
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2015-03-20)
The diagnosis of a cancer occurs within a family context and, to a greater or lesser extent, affects family members and triggers changes in its functioning. In the case of colon and rectal cancer, the challenge may be ...