Assistência ao trabalhador hospitalar pós-acidente com material biológico e desenvolvimento de web software
2023-08-18Primeiro membro da banca
Camponogara, Silviamar
Segundo membro da banca
Zeitoune, Regina Célia Gollner
Terceiro membro da banca
Trindade, Letícia de Lima
Quarto membro da banca
Centenaro, Alexa Pupiara Flores Coelho
Show full item recordAbstract
An accident with biological material has consequences for health workers, employers and the
country's social security system. There is a need for planned assistance for the worker who suffered
this accident, with a view to minimizing damage to health. Objective: Collectively restructure
assistance actions for post-accident workers with biological material in the hospital environment
through articulation between care practice and research. Method: The purpose of the study was to
articulate care practice and research, characterizing itself as Convergent Care Research. It was
carried out in a hospital health institution located in the State of Rio Grande do Sul between October
2021 and April 2022. Nurses who welcomed the post-ATMB worker and recorded work accident
communication participated, and representatives of the sectors support and commissions.
Documentary research, semi-structured interviews and convergence groups were chosen as data
collection techniques. The data production and analysis processes occurred in four stages:
apprehension, synthesis, theorization and transfer. The project followed ethical recommendations
for research with human beings.Results: 20 workers participated in the interviews, and in the
convergence groups participation was variable. In the documentary research, incomplete records
of work accidents were identified, lack of information on the results of rapid tests carried out on
the worker and actions adopted, restriction of information on the follow-up of prophylactic
treatment and lack of data from laboratory tests carried out during the period of worker monitoring.
After analyzing data from interviews and convergence groups, three thematic categories emerged:
Diving into research: perceptions, conduct and challenges after the occurrence of an accident with
biological material, and 4 subcategories emerged: - The invisibility of work accidents with material
biological and trivialization of the risk: “is this really a work accident?”; - Caring for those who
care: how to improve assistance to workers post-accident with biological material?; - Continuity
of post-accident assistance with biological material: challenges of turnover and intersectoral
communication; and - Institutional challenges: institution linked to teaching and difficulty in
understanding the source person and family members about the procedures after the accident. In
the first subcategory, aspects related to workers' perception of the accident and situations
experienced regarding post-accident conduct emerged; in the second, the emphasis was identified
on the importance of following the flow and making workers aware of their care; in the third,
employee turnover as an organizational aspect that interferes with the post-accident flow of
biological material; and in the fourth, there are challenges in the institutional link with the teaching
activity, which can favor the accident, and the source person and family member's difficulty in
understanding the conduct after the accident. The second category was called: Collective process
of reflection-action of the institutional flow in the face of work accidents with biological material,
it is organized into subcategories: - Reconstructing the care journey: restructuring the flow of
assistance to workers post-accident with biological material, which presents the restructuring of
accident recording instruments and the flow of procedures for post-accident worker assistance; -
Educational actions with workers: dissemination of collectively constructed materials, where
strategies for sharing the knowledge produced are presented; and - Training and work: educational actions with workers and future workers on preventing accidents with biological material, with an
orientation activity on the correct disposal of sharps. The last category: Innovation of assistance
practice for post-accident workers with biological material: prototype of assistance technology as
a product of Convergent Assistance Research, the development of a prototype to assist assistance
to post-accident workers is presented, it is composed of the categories : - Agile Scrum Method for
developing web software, with presentation of the method; and - Feedback on the health worker's
experience about the prototype, where the prototype testing stage is presented. The Biological
Exposure Accident Monitoring Program (PAB) was registered as a Computer Program. The
production of data from documentary research, interviews and convergence groups supported the
development of actions aimed at improving post-accident care for workers with biological material
in the hospital environment. Final Considerations: The thesis was confirmed that the restructuring
of recording instruments and the post-ATMB worker care flow contributes to worker health and
assistance. The use of the Convergent Care Research methodology allowed reflection and
transformation of practice assistance to post-accident workers, which will contribute to promoting
worker health. The results have implications for nursing and health from the perspective of
advancing scientific knowledge, which will have a positive impact on the health of workers who
work in the hospital environment.
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