Itens para a visualização no momento 1-10 of 153
Modelagem computacional de redes genéticas regulatórias
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2016-09-30)
In biology, regulatory networks are sets of macromolecules, mostly proteins and
RNAs that interact to execute task. The main players in regulatory networks are DNAbinding
proteins, also called transcription factors as they ...
Estudo das propriedades eletrônicas e estruturais da heterojunção dos nanotubos de nitreto de boro e nitreto de alumínio
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2007-05-18)
In this work we present the study of the electronic and structural properties of the heterojunction formed by (10,0) zig-zag nanotubes of aluminum nitride (AlN) and boron nitride (BN). To simulate the system, we use periodic ...
Consistência no cálculo perturbativo tridimensional em teoria quântica de campos: a eletrodinâmica quântica
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2005-03-14)
In this work we present a detailed study about the three-dimensional quantum electro-
dynamics QED3, in perturbative solution at the one loop level. A very general method,
concerning the manipulations and calculations ...
Efeitos de interações de curto alcance e tamanho de clusters em sistemas desordenados
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2015-08-04)
The competition between cluster spin glass and ferromagnetism or antiferromagnetism
is studied in this work. The model considers clusters of spins with short-range
ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic interactions (J0) and ...
Análise das propriedades dinâmicas e estruturais da água confinada entre placas hidrofóbicas
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2013-04-26)
In this work we studied the properties of confined water by graphene sheets via Classical
Molecular Dynamics. The main objective of this dissertation is to understand how the
structural and dynamic properties of confined ...
Exchange bias em multicamadas de NiFe/IrMn/Ta: um estudo através da magnetorresistência anisotrópica
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2015-08-07)
In this work a study of the exchange interaction between ferromagnetic (NiFe) and antiferromagnetic
(IrMn) layers was done through structural, magnetic and electric characterization.
NiFe/IrMn/Ta films were grown with ...
Avaliação do "magnetron sputtering" como técnica para obtenção de MgB2
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2014-08-26)
In this work a survey of the potentialities and limitations of magnetron sputtering as a
tool for the production of MgB2 superconductors thin films has been made. Instead of the usual
approaches, like co-deposition onto ...
Análise de populações estelares e subestruturas em aglomerados de galáxias
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2015-08-25)
In this work, we investigated differences between stellar populations of galaxies that are part
of a cluster with and without substructures. We used optical spectra obtained from Sloan Digital
Sky Servey III DR10 for the ...
Produção de emaranhamento pela interação dipolar magnética
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2018-08-06)
In this work we consider a bipartite system consisting of magnetic dipoles, initially characterized by product-states uncorrelated until the dynamics of evolution is established by magnetic dipole interaction. We reproduce ...
Trocas de energia e massa no cultivo de soja e trigo no sul do Brasil
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2018-08-06)
Brazil is one of the largest agricultural producers in the world. With this, a vast area of
Brazilian territory is covered by crops that directly influence the annual carbon balance and
the exchange of water vapor between ...